Minecraft Pixelmon Servers | Minecraft Server List
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Best Minecraft Pixelmon Servers

Minecraft Pixelmon Servers offer pokemon within the game of minecraft. This type of minecraft server is designed for players to train and battle their pokemon with other players. Players can catch wild pokemon, mine resources, and trade.

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Chaotic Prison # 1

Chaotic Prison

Minecraft Prison Server 20 Prestiges | Ranks A-Z Player Run Economy Plot W...






Complex Gaming Pixelmon # 2

Complex Gaming Pixelmon

Welcome to Complex-Gaming! We currently offer a wide selection of servers ...






OPBlocks # 3


OPBlocks is a high-quality Minecraft Prison, Survival SMP, Skyblock, and P...






What are Minecraft Pixelmon Servers?

Pixelmon Servers are minecraft servers that offer minecraft players a way to experience their favorite pokemon characters within the game. Players can battle, trade, and explore with the pixelmon creatures they come across in the minecraft world. Pixelmon servers provide a great way for minecraft fans to take their gaming experience to the next level by adding an exciting new dimension to minecraft. Additionally, pixelmon servers can help minecraft players hone their battle and strategizing skills by engaging in pokemon battles.

How to play on Minecraft Pixelmon Servers?

Pixelmon servers are minecraft servers dedicated to running the pixelmon mod. This mod adds a variety of pokemon related content into minecraft, such as pokeballs, pokemon battles and gyms, as well as hundreds of different pokemon species. To connect to a minecraft Pixelmon server, you need to install the mod and then join the server.

What are the main features of Minecraft Pixemon Servers?

Minecraft Pixelmon servers are a popular minecraft game mode in which players catch and battle with Pokemon. Players can battle against each other as well as participate in wild pokemon battles. The servers also feature a wide range of custom plugins, such as special rewards for catching rare pokemon and mini games that are triggered randomly when players join the server.

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